Tuesday, 11 October 2016


Cycling was viewed as one of sport that promote tourism in Botswana during launch of Tsela rRiders Mascom sponser at Grand palm on the 8th of october in Gaborone.

Mascom sponsored the Tsela riders with 30000 pula and issued them 100 bicycles to be used during tournaments,they revealed that more are coming as cycling is showing more growth in Botswana

minister of tourism Tshekedi Khama  told the people who attended the Tsela Riders Mascom sponsor launch that according to the statistics cycling contribute alot in tourism as it attract more foreigners to come and take part in the competition  whom later have a chance to explore the beauty of Botswana by visiting the historical sites and game reserves.he continued by asuring the bicyclers that they will be invirted in one of the biggest shows that are under tourism like Khawa Dune challenge.Tshekedi Khama told the Tsela Riders to recruit the children to join the sport  for it not to perished .

minister of youth sports and culture Thapelo Olopeng attended the launch ,he acknowledged Tshekedi Khama that seens sport is under his ministry,he will make sure thjat more tournaments are done to keep cycling together with touirism to continue befiting the lifes of Batswana.He continued by describing cycling as an exercise and it will be hard for the cyclist to be infected any of diseases as their bodies will be fit and health

mascom directer mrs kaboyamodimo Rrannowa described cycling as a basic and a free clinic and that is why they found out greatful to be given the sponsor for them to keep on riding and hosting tournaments.she asked the management to use the money wisely and accordingly

reporter;Andrew Thabo Race

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